This is one of several business section newspaper ads that we place to encourage Godliness at work.
Thank you for visiting our website today. We hope that the content and resources available on this site will help you to be a Christ-follower at work each day.
The working world can be difficult and brutal, but God loves you and is with you during the journey!
SPECIAL EVENTS & RESOURCES: We speak at local churches, conferences, and special events. We have displays at conventions and expos; we develop workplace materials that help to keep working Christians enthused and motivated.
MEDIA RELATIONS: We cultivate strong relationships with media outlets across the Region, generating press coverage on the good things Christ followers are doing in the workplace. Our Easter "Joy At Work Week" and Christmas "Northeast Marketplace Ministry Awards" also garner positive press coverage.
THE INTERNET: We make our website a clearinghouse of information on integrating faith in the workplace. We send emails to thousands of working Christians across the Region, nationwide and globally. These emails contain inspirational messages and news.
Northeast Christians At Work * 30 Lafayette Square, Suite 118 * Vernon, CT 06066 Toll-free 1-800-JOY-9075 * Local 860.872.3190 * Fax 860.872.3468 Email